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Stealing stuff with sneak? spoilers

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:23 am
by Tok
Is it possible to steal the Power armor in vault 16, if you side with the hunters? If so, how much sneak is needed?
What is sneak used for in general, does it work so that you can steal stuff without npcs complaining and stopping the steal?
What is the highest sneak needed to sneak past Everything in the game?
Does followers stop sneak from working? Is it neccesary to leave them behind when you wanto sneak?

Re: Stealing stuff with sneak? spoilers

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:45 am
by Daemon
Yes, it is possible. You need at least more than 100 % sneak skill.
Sneak is just way to avoid people to seeing you. It doesn't affect success of pickpocketing. Steal skill is for that.
Hard to say. But it's way more than 100 % for sure. Sneak checks are usually controlled by the game engine, random change takes part in the success or fail as well.
No, followers are ignored.

Re: Stealing stuff with sneak? spoilers

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:26 pm
by Tok